Saturday, May 21, 2011

First Train Ride

I hadn't wanted to let Eli have his first train ride if Daddy wasn't there to see it. Every time he asked when we were at the zoo, I gave him a different reason why we couldn't do it that day.

Today, the stars aligned. It was fate: the train was running, Mama and Daddy were both at the zoo with Eli, we had cash ( only train ride...grrrr), it was nice out, it was time.

Eli was so excited! We put him on the train. We paid and stepped back. Eli got buckled in by the conductor. He looked a little scared and started to whine, so I made a big deal about taking a picture. He stopped and smiled, ever the professional toddler model in front of a camera.

I stepped back again and the train did the screaming. Eli was fighting the seatbelt, trying to get out and screaming like he was being run over by the train instead of a comfortably seated passenger on it. It was the type of screaming and crying that makes your heart ache. All I wanted to do was run over and save my baby.

Of course, we had to wait for the train to come full circle and the conductor had to stop the ride so we could rescue the runny-nosed, tear-streaked, terrified little mess that was our Eli. Luckily, the promise of fried dough and cinnamon cheerios calmed him right down and all was well...except my vision of a perfect train ride for my little guy!

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